Turkish Classical Music

The first Turkish Classical Music activity directed by Dr. Sedat Terlemez started under the heel of Cultural Administration after the 1980s and gave concerts. These activities were kept being performed with two Turkish Classical Music Chorus under the heel of Public Education Center in 1999 and Chamber of Trade and Industry in 2001. In Osmancık, a Turkish Classical Music Training Course was opened in 2000 under the heel of Public Education Center. The chorus which was named as Turkish Classical Music Foundation continues its activities. These three chorus still give concerts in special days and nights.
Turkish Folk Music
In Çorum, Turkish Folk Music Chorus was established under the heel of Mimar Sinan Public Training Center in 2001. We meet some types of Turkish Folk Music Songs in Çorum, such as requiems, poems, epics, folk lyrics, lullabies, love songs, satirical poems, cursing poems. The most famous one which is about a mother who lost his son and cries out after her son is the requiem called “ I both read and wrote”.