The mountains in the city are not very high. The average height is 1500 m. They are the beginning of Canik, Ilgaz and Küre Mountains. They descend through the south.(Bozok Plains) The heights of these mountains range from 1000 to 2000m and they extend through Kızılırmak Valley on one side and Yeşilırmak Çekerek Stream the other side. The highest parts of the Çorum mountains are in İskilip-Osmancık and Kargı.
In the north of the city center, Eğerci Mountains ; in the west, Alagöz and Kösedağlar extend. Between these two mountain ranges, there is the Kırkdilim Strait. The four mountains ranges in the south extend through Mecitözü and Ortaköy, then they join to Karadağ mountain ranges in Mecitözü and Ortaköy. The mountains in the south and southeast also extend through Kartal Mountains in Sungurlu.
Çal and Ada Mountains along Kızılırmak Valley in Osmancık extend in Kargı borders and reach to Erenler Hill in Kös Mountains (2097 m)which is one of the highest mountain in Çorum.
The same mountain ranges are seen to form Teke, Kavak, Göl , Deveci , Çakarözü Mountainsin İskilip.
The mountains exceeding 1700 m in Çorum
The name of The Mountain and Its height (m) :
Erenler Hill (In Kargı Kös Mount ) 2097
Türbe Hill (In Kargı) 1981
Kara Hill(In Mecitözü) 1846
Kırklar Mount(In Mecitözü) 1791
Köse Mount(In Çorum) 1750
Dede Çal (In Osmancık) 1730
Kartal Hill(In Sungurlu) 1700
Teke Mount (In İskilip) 1700