Osmancık ,which is situated on the road which links Black Sea Region to Eastern Anatolia, is 56 km from Çorum. It is at the crossroads of Çorum-Kargı and Samsun-İstanbul . It is one of the oldest towns of Çorum. It was seized by Turks in 1075. When Sorgun Tribe Chief Şerafettin Osman Gazi was appointed here as the governor, he gave his tribe’s name here and the name Eflanos was changed into Sorgun. Şerafettin Osman Gazi Osmancık stayed here and he governed İskilip, Hacıhamza and Çorum. Osmancık was seized by Anatolian Seljuks after the collapse of Danishmends in 1177.
The vegetation in the moutanious regions is pine, oak and juniper forests ; apart from these regions, it is steppe.
Administrative Structure and Population Status
The population of the town is totally 53.758 as to the census held in 2000. The population of town center is 28.423 and the villages is 25.335. There is a district (Başpınar ) administered by town and there are 54 villages .
It was administered by Amasya in 1423, then by Çorum in 1596 and and again by Amasya in 1864. It became a town of Çorum in 1924.
Osmancık was on the silk way during the Ottomans age. Koyunbaba Tomb and Bridge, Osmancık Castle, Koca Mehmet Paşa Mosque and Baltacı Mehmet Paşa Fountain are the significant historical places. Başpınar and Karaca Plains are very important in terms of plain tourism.
Geographical Structure
The town has an elevation of 430m and its acreage is 1.187km2 . The distance of the town to Çorum is 59 km.
The territory structure is dominated by the metaformic and volcanic masses. Sedimentary masses are also seen. Gypsum (limestone) ,the salt beds and lignite coal-bed with the amount of % 5 carbon are found in Osmancık. Yaylabaşı and Kumbaba are rich in lignite and some private instutions continue to their production activities. However, due to the fact that Osmancık is situated on “Northern Anatolia Fault Line” , it is in first-degree earthquake zone.
Kızılırmak Valley is the most important valley in the town. There are many large - small hills and mountains along this valley which lies parallel to Kızılırmak. The most important mountains here are Çal and Ada mountains. Büyük Çal, the highest point in Çal Mountains, is 1.750m ; Dedeçal , the highest hill of Adadağ, is 1. 770 m. The highest mountain surrounding Osmancık is İnegöl Mountaion, 1.864 m.
Because it is the transition climate between Middle Anatolia and Black Sea Region, it has a temperate climate structure. Summers are generally hot and dry ; winters are warm and rainy. Spring and autumn last for long. Rain is seen in spring. The annual rain rate is 368,1 mm.
Osmancık has a rich river net. The largest river of this net is Kızılırmak. The lenght of river in the town border is 80km. The colour of the river is red due to the soil structure. Kavşak Stream, İncesu Stream, Karalar and Yukarızeytin streams are the ones which flow into.