Municipal Building
The building which is in city center was built in 1925. It has a rectangular shape and two floors. The construction material used in the building is yellow sandstone and crushed stone. The interior design has been changed completely after the restoration.

The Old Government House
The building which is on Hükümet Caddesi in the city center has a square shape and two floors. It has two entrance in North and South sides. It has staircase with two columns. The ceilings of some rooms and the lounge are wooden. They are still original. The construction material is stone, brick and wood. It is known that it was built with the support of the village people during İsmail Kemal ‘s (Alpsar) Mecitözü governing period. H. 1315-1320 (M.1897-1902 ) It has early Ottoman Era architecture features.
The Old Province Administration Building
It is in the intersection corner of Merzifon Street, Old Amasya Street . The south part of the building is filled with soil but the north has a basement. It has two floors and wooden skeleton. It is also square. It has two entrances in the northern and western part. The first floor is used as stores. On the second floor, there are two balconies. There are rooms next to balconies. The building eaves are covered with tiles.