The Old Machine Vacational Academy ( Çorum Museum Building)
It was started to be built in H.1326 (M.1908) and completed in H.1332 (M.1914) . It was built as Sıhhat Mektebi. The incription on the building says: “It was built in 1332.”
The building was used as Agricultural School, Trade High School, Machine Vacational Academy and Atatürk High School. In 1986, it was overtaken by Ministry of Culture and Tourism.It was damaged due to the fire in 1988 and restored to be used as a museum. The exhibition works were completed in archeology department on 11.03.2003 and it was opened to visit. It has the 19th century architectural features and it has a rectangular shape in the direction of east-west. It has three floors 
including the basement. The construction material is yellow sandstone. Some parts are built with cracked stone. It has two outbuildings in the front and 5 in the back. The entrance is through a stone framed wooden door. The interior is 2900 m2 and it has 2 exhibition lounges. The modern exhibition features can be seen in any part of the building.
İstiklal Primary School
It was built by Mutasarrıf Nurettin Bey between 1913-1915. It was known as Mecidi School. It was renamed as İstiklal Primary School in 1925. It reflects the early period Ottoman architecture and it has a square shape. It has three floors including the basement. The main construction material is sandstone. The floor and the ceiling of the building is wooden. The roof is covered with tile.
It is known that in the place of this school, there used to be a madrasa (muslim school) and its library in 1326. Two rooms of the building were given to Men Teacher’s Training School in 1921.
Stone School
The building which is in Kargı Hacıhamza Town was constructed by Sinan Paşa in H. 922 (M. 1514). It has a square shape with one dome and the walls are made of horasan stone. The dome is built with tile and the top is concrete. The building was used as a school and it has only one window.